What We're Up To

The three of us -- Karan Chhabra, Katie Swails, and Sandeep Prasanna -- are Duke students spending eight weeks in the south Indian rainforest working on a series of short documentary films about environmental issues in order to aid the outreach programs of SAI Sanctuary, a wildlife sanctuary in the Western Ghats region. In the process, we'll also be organically farming, aiding in the construction of biogas plants, and chasing rare plants and animals.

Follow us as we navigate through the jungle and much more!

You can learn more about the DukeEngage program at dukeengage.duke.edu. You can also find out what the SAI Sanctuary, our hosts, are working on at saisanctuary.com.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Hello everyone,

We've reached the Sanctuary safely and we're all learning lots and having tons of fun. Karan and Sandeep had their first leeches on them and Katie has not.

Our internet connection is not as reliable as we thought it would be -- we're on the cusp of the monsoon season and phone lines are going down daily. We're all safe, though, and working ahead on our project. We've been writing blog posts and emails offline and making videos and we'll try to post/send them as soon as we get a good internet connection. This might be weeks away or even after we get back to the USA in July.

Much love,
Katie, Karan, and Sandeep.


  1. Hi Tripod: Glad to know that you are at the sanctuary unwrapped, and at work! Leeches, .. hmmm .. We understand about internet connectivity issues, but disappointed we cannot get to read your updates! We also believe you will do remarkably well. You know, 1+1+1 >>> 3. Just Do It!
    -Love, Parents

  2. So excited! I will be be checking this blog often.

  3. Hi,
    Great blog.. Looking forward for future updates including photos

