What We're Up To

The three of us -- Karan Chhabra, Katie Swails, and Sandeep Prasanna -- are Duke students spending eight weeks in the south Indian rainforest working on a series of short documentary films about environmental issues in order to aid the outreach programs of SAI Sanctuary, a wildlife sanctuary in the Western Ghats region. In the process, we'll also be organically farming, aiding in the construction of biogas plants, and chasing rare plants and animals.

Follow us as we navigate through the jungle and much more!

You can learn more about the DukeEngage program at dukeengage.duke.edu. You can also find out what the SAI Sanctuary, our hosts, are working on at saisanctuary.com.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Reflections on SAI Sanctuary

These are some reflections we had about our experience living at SAI Sanctuary for 6 weeks.

Also, just a note -- the YouTube videos are too wide for the blog on some browsers, so if you can't see the full width of the movies, then you can view them directly on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/deepo521


  1. Excellent video, and I really appreciated how sincere your reflections are. I wonder how the lessons you learned can translate to people who cannot travel to India or some other isolated natural place to experience balance with nature. I would love to hear your thoughts on this.

  2. Hi Tripod: The videos are crisp, short, funny & with a purpose. I wish there were just more of them, to help the viewer experience a bit more of your joys & struggles. I also would like to see an album of still pictures depicting the bio-diversity of plants & animals. Hope you folks find time to do that! As a viewer, one can only have appreciation & respect for your work. Best Wishes!
